Get your platforming characters to the exit using unconventional means xD
Mouse Controls:
Left Mouse Button: Select/Rotate Block
Right Mouse Button: Delete Block
*Update -6/28/2021: First post jam update! Levels are more challenging -variation in player speed narrowed -currently only testing enemies and turrets -this addition will be expanded on soon as turrets will be aim able and used to move your characters
*Update -6/23/2021: Sorry for the save system issues -just got them fixed!! Also, I was reeeeally tired when I updated this last night and apparently messed some things up in the game play balance and physics when fixing bugs -fixed -sorry about that! Also removed the score tally screen. Also, saving might not work in your browser depending on your settings I believe -still looking into it -html saves tested and working in firefox, chrome and edge .
Also, I plan to add a lot more to this game but am waiting until after the jam is over to add new play mechanics -for now the 3 tool objects are all I had time to implement.
Created for MashUp Game Jam 2 -Theme: Unconventional Means -No assets used except for fonts. I was about a day late starting this jam so made in approx 48 hours.
All Art, Music and Game Dev by Chase of Bass
Tools used: GMS 2, Pyxel Edit, Aseprite, Qubicle, Ableton, Nanostudio, Tsugi sound tools, lab chirp, and BFXR.
Status | Released |
Platforms | HTML5, Windows |
Rating | Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars (6 total ratings) |
Author | Chase of Bass |
Genre | Puzzle |
Made with | GameMaker |
Tags | Puzzle-Platformer |
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Really nice game and suit for mobile, thanks for sharing
thank you! I am working on an expanded version of this with a lot of new levels (including mobile) :D
Took a while but...
Awesome!! :D
Pretty impressive and fun game. Really need a strategy and a good combination of blocks. Hope it will have a mobile platform.
Thank you and am working on an improved version with more levels and features for pc and mobile! :D
One random thought for the improved version: It would be nice if the game remembered the best design for each level. When going back to improve my score, I often had to spend several minutes trying to remember how I got anyone to the other end alive, rather than iterating on that design like I'd hoped.
I have no idea how difficult that sort of save system for this game would be, but it would be nice.
WrenchForm (All Levels 3 Stars)
Awesome!! nice video! :D
This has been fun and for me full of ups & downs. Sometimes I got a smooth solution really fast, and sometimes & had to experiment a lot and there were many, many, many deaths. Sweet work. :)
Thanks and awesome video!! :D
Thanks!!! :D
Congrats on winning the game jam
Thanks dude!! :D We all won really as we all created cool new games! Mine wasn't worthy of 1st imo -actually was kinda frustrated with this project as I had to scope down so much and couldn't do feature updates til after it was over -but still had a lot of fun and looking forward to taking this one further. Anyway, congrats on your game! -it's not easy doing these short jams and yours turned out great and really fun (plus your chiptune music was amazing)!! :D
How did you make your game noticed?
And good game how did you do this in 3 days, it has an insane amount of polish!
I dunno -I work really really hard on game dev and try to keep improving! I also try to play and comment on as many of the other games as I can and support other game devs as much as I can, but am also already doing another jam so it's hard to keep up with!
I was doing another longer jam when i stopped it to do this one and went back to the other jam right after and couldn't finish in time and have already started working on a new game for the time jam!
And thank you!!! Was a day late to starting this jam so it was closer to 48 hours xD -it was a hardcore 48 hours! This game would have been a lot better with an extra day but I already have a cool update in the works and had a lot of fun with this game -I didn't get to do a lot of the stuff I originally wanted -had to scope down a lot as jam time was running out. Anyway, thanks again! :D
Okay. Level 3.... My first few make it, but then the others don't. Why? Is there something different about the last few characters that come out? It seems that if one makes it that all should, since they appear to be the same? What am I missing? (Sometimes these games make me feel really dumb.) And I'm totally stuck on level 5. Hints? I'm not looking for something that will completely give it away.
lol nahh some solutions are just tricky -and yes there is a variation to the characters speed so in order to get all of them the solution has to be more fail-safe.
Level 3: to get them all one solution is to try starting off running backwards.
Level 5: you don't have to run under the cannons :D
whoa!!! i really enjoyed this game!! Got a bit stuck near the later levels haha but it was super fun nonetheless!!
Thank you so much!! :D
I can only go as far as level 9 at the moment.
What happened on level 9 -did the game crash?
Nah. I just got stuck on what to do.
Ah lol -yeah that ones a little tricky -gotta make your characters run back and jump back to get past the first jump :D
Update, I just completed all 14 levels.
wooooot -congrats!! :D
I gotta know what you use to make games. There is just such a high level of juice and polish for a jam game :D
Thank you! Game maker studio 2 (the rest of the tools i used are listed in the description) :D
Oh woops, didn’t read. My b
xD (in all fairness i usually skip reading descriptions too)
I imagine you're still in jam mode, but if you polish this up further, I still think the post-level screen could use a re-think. There's no reason the wrench score information couldn't be displayed to the player in-level, perhaps over the door as the wrenchmenschen are entering it (the x/50, x/25 indicator is ultimately a bit redundant, though you could change the color of the text once the number crosses one of the wrench score thresholds). At the moment, even though the inter-level screens are shorter, they're still a bit un-flowy, especially considering the pacing is faster than something like Lemmings.
A related issue is that in the previous version it felt like you could get 3 wrenches with a score in the mid-40s out of 50. In the new one, it seems like you can only get 3 wrenches if you score 25/25 – if this is the case, it might be worth making it more clear. One aspect of this is whether the player should know the score it will take to ace the level before they start, allowing them to quickly restart and tweak their solution if they fall short, rather than waiting to see if they aced it and having to start from scratch if they didn't. Of course, this isn't a huge friction point in this version, but if you had more complex levels it could become one.
lol you're right, was very much in jam mode -we aren't supposed to add major changes til after the jam is over so am only making small updates to fix issues but i did remove the score tally screen and added saving. Also, that's actually a great idea with emphasizing the score above the door when a level is 100% -updated that as well and I really like it -thanks! :D
love the gameplay nice and simple yet very polished :D
Thank you!! :D
lmfaoo you're right -i was in that jam rush to get it done in time and forgot to swap the collision mask to something besides the sprite -thanks for letting me know will have to get that fixed when i update this and thanks for playing! :D
This is a very fun game, the limited art pallet is nice and the music is very nice. good work.
Thank you!! :D
A little bit slow for my pace but very well polished. Wish there was a button to skip the countdown at the end. That music is a bop.
Thanks and I agree but was running out of jam time and didn't get to add that in time so am waiting until after the jam to update
People be sleeping on this game this jam. I hope it gains a bit more traction before the voting period is over! I’ve said it already but fantastic job on this one!
That's really awesome of you to say!! Thank you!! :D
WOW, this is the best and polished game I have seen in this game jam.
Thank you so much!!! :D
I love this, and would love to see even more levels! Crazy good for a 72 hour jam :D
Thank you so much!!! :D
So good as usual. More fun than portal bridge constructor.
I spent a few mins trying to place blocks where I thought they should go initially.
IMO it's missing something at first to let the player know valid placement locations or to teach about putting blocks under instead of on top. (I guess technically you do have that with grey/bright but I missed it). Maybe let them place it anywhere but it falls? Maybe have the block show the spring thingy animating when you drag it or something? Maybe get rid of the icons entirely and just show the spring/etc with a border/cost and place where it should go?
The initial drag might block progress for some people too but I got that part pretty quickly.
Thank you!! and what i intended but forgot as i was running out of game jam time was to have a grid overlay to show where they can be placed -them falling into place is a pretty good idea too though :D
This is great
Thank you!! :D