Wendell Tank
Wendell seems like a normal AI opponent at first, but if you start winning to much he will get upset and do whatever he can to win -he might even break the rules. Can you beat Wendell by more than 30 points? :D
- WASD Controls
- Mouse Aim / Shoot (or spacebar to fire if you prefer)
*windows also version available for fullscreen and smoother experience*
*Updated: Bugfixes and balance to wendell's ai
Made for the AI and Games Jam
Art, music and programming by Chase of Bass
Color palette: Vinik24 by Vinik
Fonts: KacstBook and Pixel Operator
Wendell_Tank_007_win_update.zip 5.6 MB
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Very fun! Really fun! I was kinda surprised when walls became bullets lol. Ending (30+ score) is really fun!
thank you so much!! xD
Really fun idea, I enjoyed seeing what Wendell would come up with next
lmfaoooo dude that was great xD
Amazing game, but I wasn't able to move after round 10 or 15.
Thank you! and sorry about that -thanks for letting me know! :D
Try to beat my score that would be an amazing challange :D
lmfaooo -wendell looks extra irritated at both of these amazing scores xD
Se vuelve aburrido después de que el ordenador deja de jugar
Neat concept. At one point I was ahead by over 30 and lost the ability to move, but I could still shoot. I never got the ability to move back.
Is there an ending, does the AI eventually ragequit?
Thank you! and hmmm not sure why it stopped letting you move it's only supposed to do that for one round when he's cheating -will check into that -also he is supposed to rage quit after you beat him by more than 30 points -probably another bug -sorry -this was made in a hurry for a game jam
ohhhh you can make him rage quit!
... time to go gamer mode
uhhh... that's 31
He's supposed to just stop playing and his tank just sits still when he quits -so you can keep hitting him and the game loop will continue -just looked at his code and your post helped me find a bug in his behavior that I had missed due to my sloppy jam time crunch coding :s -just updated it -so he should always quit now -thanks and thanks for playing! :D
yep can say it works
lmfaooo xD
very fun!
Thank you!! :D
It's pretty good, I'd like to try future updates
Thank you!! :D
I can't start the game help
Windows version or in which web browser? Also, does the game load / show the start screen for you to press any key on?
on chrome, it loads but pressing keys doesn't start the game.
Weird -just tried it on chrome and it did the same thing to me! So, I started looking into the issue and went back to the tab I had open with that game and the game just started working! My guess would be that chrome needs a bit of extra time to load it or maybe leaving the tab open and then going back made the browser refocus on the game or something. Sorry, I'm not sure why it's doing that or how to fix that but now it works for me right away now even if I close chrome and open it and go straight to the game. I hope trying that works for you too!
Incredible game! I was instantly drawn to play again.
Only thing I'd change is the controls. Idk if it's intentional or not, but you loose the ability to move, and then never get them back. I'd like it if you can have the back for some levels. Other than that it's a swack game! Absolutely loved playing, and also beat the crap out of the machine
Thank you!! And crap that's not supposed to happen!! :o You are only supposed to lose controls once in that round then they return. Not sure if that was a browser issue or if that was a bug -but I just pushed an update that should help hopefully help if it was a bug in the game! Thank you for letting me know and thank you for playing! :D
So good, man. You're quickly becoming a big inspiration to me, all of your stuff is so polished for being done so quickly.

lmfaoooo xD yessss!!! and thank you so much!! :D
Very juicy. Good job.
Thanks!! :D
Very noice :)
Thank you!! :D